San Andreas
Advanced Role-Play
Welcome to San Andreas Advanced Role-Play.

Be aware: this website contains no forum, all discussions must be done in-game.

SA Advanced Role-Play is a game mode dedicated to realism and real life physical limits.

If you need any help playing the game, the documentation page can act as a tutorial.
Server Informations
If you need any connection information regarding this server, everything is going to be in this section...

To see the server informations, click here:
Server Informations
Server Documentation
If you need any help playing the game, don't hesitate to visit our documentation page... (still in alpha!)

To see the documentation, click here:
Read the documentation
Role-play Map
If you want to know what is happening right now in the server, take a look at the real time map...

To see the storyline, click here:
See the Map
Browse Players
If you want to discover who is part of the community...

To browse trough the player list, click here:
High Scores
Player Panel
If you need to change your skin or other personal informations, this panel could help you... (still in alpha!)

To log in to the player's panel, click here:
Player Panel
Database Access
If your player is at a computer, for roleplay purposes you may need to log in to the database...

To log in to the database, click here:
Access the Database
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