Applying Regulations
Applying regulations are the general rules(OOC), the rules of physics (ruled by the Department of Physic),
the rules of good sense (ruled by the Department of Good Sense), and also, depending on territories, other rules may applies.
General Regulations (OOC)
- No mixing between IC and OOC.
- No OOC insulting.
- No OOC Hacking.
- No use of RP commands to role-play objects that arent in the official inventory(/inv).
- No AFK(away) or/and logoff unless inside a building interior (away from the door).
- No OOC Begging (Asking help for transportation is tolerated).
Physic Rules (OOC)
The physic rules, regulated by the San Andreas Department of Physic, are the rules resulted by the laws of physics.
The year is 1994.
IC time in the server have an unstable ratio with real life OOC time.
Time can be roleplayed as such:
- 1 RP day = 1 OOC minute;
- 1 RP week = 1 OOC hour;
- 1 RP month = 1 OOC week;
- 1 RP year = 1 OOC month;
- When you log off from the game, your body is considered unconscious.
- When you are unconscious for 1 month, you are considered a dead body.
- An object my not be dropped at the exact same position than another object, unless they both are of type 'paper'.
- It is impossible to stay without moving, or in the same place, on a vehicle's roof, except for buses or larger surfaces.
- Anything left unattended near the disappearance institute may randomly disappear at any moment.
- Everything on the website map is considered IC common knowledge and may be roleplayed as rumors (If you want to do something private, do it inside a building).
- When you are in a vehicle, other players can hear you and see you their mini-map.
- When you fire an unsilenced weapon, other players can hear you and see you their mini-map for 3 seconds.
- If you log off while cuffed, you will be teleported to a holding cell of a faction under the SAMJ.
Good Sense Rules (OOC)
- No one shall murder someone for no apparent reasons.
- What is on the map is considered as common knowledge.
- No one shall steal the free paper cargo(s) that sit(s) near the Verdant Meadows Airfield.
City Planning Department Rules (applies in all SA)
- Weapons may only be used to defend yourself or another citizen.
San Andreas Police Department (applies in all SA except Bone County)
- When interacting with other people, a citizen must:
- Follow a code of conduct, that do not allow the specific actions:
148 Resisting Arrest
187 Homicide
207 Kidnapping
211 Armed Robbery
240 Assault
245 Assault With Deadly Weapon
246 Shooting in Dwelling
261 Rape
415 Disturbance
459 Burglary
470 Forgery
480 Hit and Run
484 Theft
502 Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Los Santos Military Police Rules (applies on all LS island)
- No automatic firing weapon.
- No scoped weapon.
- No modified weapon.
- No Shotgun, Combat Shotgun, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Desert Eagle or silenced 9mm.
- Ocean Dock is a private Island.