SA-ARP Documentations

Territories Wars


Applying Regulations

Applying regulations are the rules of physics (ruled by the Department of Physic), the rules of good sense (ruled by the Department of Good Sense).

Physic Rules

The physic rules, regulated by the San Andreas Department of Physic, are the rules resulted by the laws of physics.
  1. Any gang member that is on his territory will have a bonus of 10% on every inflicted damage.
  2. Any gang member that is not on his territory will have a bonus of 10% on every received damage.

Good Sense Rules

  1. Anyone that is a gang member is recognizable as a criminal/terrorist by anyone.
  2. Gang members can only use advantages 3 times per paychecks maximum.
  3. Gang members can only the same advantage 1 time per paychecks maximum.
  4. Gang members can not use more advantages per paychecks than their current level.